The take away: Pet insurance is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, but it doesn't really matter who you choose to insure your pet.
5 Quick Facts (see more)
1 in 3 pets will need ER vet care each year
50% of policyholders file a claim each year
Pets under the age of 1 are 2.5x more likely to have unexpected vet visits
1% of American pets are insured vs 25% of UK pets are insured vs 30% in Sweden
94% of pet owners with insurance are satisfied with their provider
Like Murphy's law dictates, if something bad can happen, it will; and like Ben Franklin used to say, "by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail." Being surprised by an emergency pet illness or injury is an extremely stressful, emotional ordeal, and then being hit with a bill of hundreds to thousands of dollars is like pouring salt on the wound. Often, financial choices decide between life and death for a pet. Pet insurance is not only life-saving, but it also allows your veterinarian to provide a high standard of care for your pet, which keeps them happy and healthy.
The details
Pet insurance typically has the most value for emergencies, then for other injuries and illnesses, but some plans offer wellness coverage without major savings
Pet insurance usually covers 70-90% of the bill for covered care
Pre-existing conditions and breed predispositions will not qualify for coverage
Majority of dental care is not covered
If you didn't follow your doctor's recommendations, it's not covered (common for dental disease)
Some company's premiums go up as your pets age, some do not
Choosing a company
Luckily, this topic has been pretty well researched, although not without bias. A consumer advocate company has created a ranking of many popular pet insurance companies, but its partnered with everyone on the list. Still, it's nice that it provides one place for comparing the cost of many different pet insurance plans.