Dogs can be trained to perform a variety of jobs and tricks, but at the very least, all dogs should be taught basic obedience for the sake of everyone's health and safety. Training and behavioral issues are the leading reason why dogs end up in shelters, and are often euthanized because of pet overpopulation or because they are deemed "unadoptable". These issues can also lead to serious, life-threatening injuries to people when dogs bite, pull on the leash, jump on people, run in front of cars, etc. Fortunately, this is totally preventable when a family is committed and consistent. Plus, like people, pets who are well mannered are much more enjoyable for everyone to be around, so what are you waiting for?
Keys for Success
Start now! No dog is too young or old. Puppies are faster learners since their brains a developing and they haven't created bad habits yet, but all dogs have the ability to learn, some maybe more than others.
Positive reinforcement only! Please do not hit your dog, rub it's face in house-soiling, scream obscenities, or lock them in their cage, that will not do anything except make your pup afraid and confused. Your dog is able to understand one-word commands and some body language, but does not have the capacity to understand the complexities of the English language (or any others) or the full scope of human behavior. The best way to encourage your dog to do what you want it to is to use praise and treats to reinforce good behavior, or to redirect your dog to do what you want them to do instead of doing something you don't want.
Be consistent! Everyone in the household must be on the same page at all times or your pet will start to form bad habits and be confused at when/how to act appropriately.
Work with a dog trainer! There are a wide variety of methods and techniques, but it is best to find a program that teaches you and your family how to train your dog, rather than someone else doing it. The point being, you want your dog to listen to you and your family, not just the one person who trains them. I used Bark Busters about 10 years ago in Minnesota, and was able to successfully train and change behaviors in two very different dogs in less than a week, which seriously improved our bond and was one of the best investments I have ever made as a pet owner.
Most important tricks for health and safety
Sit-helps you properly position/redirect your pet and keep it still
Down-basically a deeper version of sit
Stay-keeps your pet where you want them
Come-brings your pet back to your physical location where you have more control
Wait-a temporary stay. I use this when I answer the front door because I want my dog nearby for protection, but I don't want them greeting my visitor until I tell them to.
Leave or Stop-this means leave it alone i.e the cat, stop what you are doing i.e chewing the show, do something else
Place-could be a bed, crate, mat, etc. that is a specific space for your pet to wait/stay until released
Heel-walking nicely without tugging on the leash
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Want to Learn More?
Potty training and aggression are complicated topics that have their own pages, click the links to learn more.
